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Director's Reflections - Community Bonded by Depth

Multiple faces are shown in a grid of backgrounds.
Some of the faces present at our Virtual Lenten Reflection held on March 19, 2024.

Over the last several weeks of the Lenten season, the Community Committee of the GSV board has shared reflections written by members of our community on the 4 Tenets. These reflections challenged us to dive into social justice, simplicity, spirituality, and community in fresh ways during this season of introspection and preparation...

Like many of you, I took these reflections as an opportunity to grow personally, to reacquaint and reconnect myself to the 4 Tenets which bond our community together to this important mission. Throughout the weeks I was continually astounded by the richness of the voices in our community. It’s amazing to see the wisdom that arises from years of dedicated pursuit of these tenets within and beyond the service year.

The culmination of these Lenten reflections was a community gathering that took place via Zoom. In attendance were authors of the reflections, current GSVs, Good Shepherd Sisters, Board members, and GSV alumni spanning 3 decades and multiple continents. What drew all of us to this gathering was the opportunity to be enriched by the depth of one another. To hear stories of lives lived in concentration on these values and the hard won wisdom earned is such a great joy.

So on this Lenten journey to Easter I have been reminded that those who walk alongside us are often our greatest teachers. So my question for you in this season is this: who are you learning from? And who is learning from you? My hope is that you will take the time to share what you have gleaned from the depth of your experience to make connections with those around you and continue to expand your flock.

Austin poses for a headshot in front of a blurred background of trees.

Lenten Blessings,

Austin Applebach

Director of GSV



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