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Six Months Later

If you told me six months ago that I would experience so much change and growth within me, I wouldn’t have believed you. These last few months have made me uncomfortable in the best way.

Working at the Good Shepherd Shelter has taught me many things so far. I have experienced many happy moments at the shelter and some sad ones as well. I have learned that you have to take the good with the bad and even that the bad may be a blessing in disguise. They say that God never gives you more than you can handle ... well I have handled a lot more than I ever expected but I’m still here, and I’m still committed.

My experience hasn’t been perfect, but it is better than I could have imagined. I have built a community at the shelter with the staff and the clients that I can’t explain. It is almost like I am content with this community. This feels like this is enough for me, and I love that.

The sisters are the most wonderful people I have ever met. I feel so blessed to have them around and be able to talk to them whenever I need to. I truly enjoy spending time with them. Every Wednesday I have dinner with the Sisters. This is the time that I am able to talk about anything with them. We usually share stories from our childhood since we are so culturally diverse. Sr. Regina usually makes all the meals and she knows how to make the perfect meal for that day. To me, the Sisters are like my group of grandmothers that always looks out for you and feeds you. I really appreciate having them around and enjoy their company. They truly give me hope and remind me that there are good people in this world.

Throughout all the chaos that may happen at the shelter, somehow I still find peace in the mix of it. Like this is where I’m meant to be.  These last six months has opened many doors for me and I wouldn’t change this experience for anything.

Written by,

Amethyst Lewis

Good Shepherd Shelter

Los Angeles Community, '17-'18


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